You can change the Viewing permissons for any video.
There are three privacy settings available to the media item owner:
1. Public. This item is viewable and accessible by every user in the media portal.
2. Unlisted. This item can be accessed by any user if they have the link. To generate one, select at least one “Published on” option for a media link to appear. This item will not appear in Search results or browse feed.
3. Restricted. This setting creates a Viewing Permission List (VPL). The media item owner can add individual portal users and groups (meaning all group members) to have access to the item. Meanwhile, users not added to the list will see the message: “You don't have permission to view this page”.
For the Public Portal, Restricted access would remove the video for all users. They will have the following message once opening the URL link after privacy is updated:The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
Usage Example
A company has a promotional video that is not meant for public listing but can be shared with partners. The marketing manager sets the video's privacy to "Unlisted." The manager then shares the link with selected partners. As a result, only users with the direct link can view the video, and it won't appear in search results or browsing within the media portal.