A very common scenario is to use one Azure subscription for both production and non-production RMS deployments. When doing this, however, you'll need to make sure that there is enough vCPU in the VM quotas for the deployments.
vCPU quota is set at the subscription/region level, and all resources running in that subscription/region combination will share the quota you set. Therefore, when you add another RMS deployment to your subscription, you'll need to check the quota and increase it if necessary.
We recommend that you contact Ravnur Support if you deploy another RMS instance into the same subscription. We'll take a look at the scaling rules and let you know if you need to increase your vCPU quota.
Here's an example of what this means in practice.
A customer has deployed a non-production RMS instance to East US. The encoding pool uses F8s_v2 VMs and the scaling rule is set to 10 VMs. The system pool uses D2ls_v5 VMs and the scaling rule is set to 10. For this subscription, the customer requires a minimum of 80 vCPU for the Standard FSv2 Family and 20 vCPU for the Standard DLSv5 Family in the East US region.
Now the customer deploys a production instance in the East US region in the same subscription. The customer wants the production instance to scale to 20 encoders and 20 system pool VMs. This will require adding 160 vCPU for the Standard FSv2 Family and 40 vCPU for the Standard DLSv5 Family in East US.
The total quota should be at least 240 vCPU for the FSv2 family and 60 vCPU for the DLSv5 family.