If you are deploying a RMS free trial from the Azure Marketplace using either the Public Free Trial Offer or a private plan created for you by Ravnur, please follow the deployment instructions below. If you encounter any deployment failures or issues, you can submit a support ticket from the home page of this documentation site, or contact Ravnur Support at support@ravnur.com.
Before you begin
To avoid a deployment failure, please ensure that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before starting your deployment.
1. Register resource providers in the subscription. Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes.
This article describes the process for registering resource providers. Your subscription must have the following resource providers registered for the deployment to succeed:
2. Verify availability of VMs and add VM core quota for the encoders. Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes.
The default VM for encoding uses F8s_v2 VMs that have eight cores per VM. You need to have at least 80 cores in your quota for the Standard FSv2 Family in your selected deployment region for the deployment to succeed. Adding quota does not incur costs. The vCPU quota is needed to permit scaling. This article describes how to check the quota and increase it as needed.
3. Verify availability of VMs and add core quota for the API and streaming servers. Estimated time to complete: 5 minutes
The AKS node pools for the API and streaming servers use the D2ls_v5 VMs with two cores each. Ensure that the Standard DLSv5 family quota for the region where RMS is running has at least 20 cores. Adding quota does not incur costs. The vCPU quota is needed to permit scaling. This article describes how to check the quota and increase it as needed.
Deployment Instructions
Deploying RMS to your Azure tenant is a straightforward process that takes approximately one hour from start to finish. These instructions describe the process of deploying using a Private Plan that Ravnur created for you or the Public Free Trial offer . After the deployment is complete, you can retrieve the API access credentials from the application and begin testing the RMS API.
Step 1 – Create Resource Group. (1 minute)
Step 2 – Find Ravnur Media Services in the Azure Marketplace. (1 minute)
Step 3 – Select the Ravnur Media Services Plan. (1 minute)
Step 4 – Configure the Deployment. (2 minutes)
Step 5 – Accept the Terms and Conditions. (1 minute)
Step 6 - Deploy the Application. (45 minutes)
Step 7 – Go to the Deployed Managed Application. (<1 minute)
Step 8 – Access the Console to get the API Credentials. (<1 minute)
Step 9 – Copy the Console URL. (<1 minute)
Step 10 – Authenticate to Access the Console. (<1 minute)
Step 11 – Accept Required Permissions. (<1 minute)
Step 12 – Copy the API Credentials. (<1 minute)
Step 13 – Get API Credentials for Azure Government Deployment. (<1 minute)
Step 1 – Create Resource Group
First, you need to create a resource group in the subscription where you will deploy the managed application package.
IMPORTANT: This resource group must be in the same region where you want to run the RMS application. If the resource group region and the region you select for resource deployment in Step 4 are not the same, the deployment will fail
Step 2 – Find Ravnur Media Services in the Azure Marketplace
Go to your newly created resource group and click on + Create as indicated on the image below.
This will open the Azure Marketplace. There are two types of RMS Free Trials available in the marketplace. One is a public offer and the other is a Private Plan that Ravnur creates specifically for you to use.
1. If you are using a Private Plan, you will see an indication that you have a Private Plan available for you, and you can access it by clicking on the View private plans link or by clicking on Private Plans under My Marketplace in the left sidebar menu.
2. If you are using the publicly accessible offer, search for Ravnur Media Services - time limited free trial.
Step 3 – Select the Ravnur Media Services Plan
Clicking on the tile for Ravnur Media Services opens the private plan page. Click on Create to begin the deployment.
Step 4 – Configure the Deployment
There are a few configuration entries that must be reviewed and updated as necessary.
1. Subscription. Ensure the correct subscription for the resource group is selected.
2. Resource group. The available resource groups will depend on the subscription you selected above.
3. Region. The region MUST match the resource group's region. It will default in a value that very often does not match the resource group you select. Change the region to match the resource group region or the deployment will fail.
4. System pool
System pool VM size. This defaults to D2ls_v5. Ensure that the Standard DLSv5 Family has sufficient vCPU quota in the resource group's region as described above in Before you begin.
System pool availability zones. The default is 0 for trial instances.
5. Workload pool
Workload pool VM size. This defaults to D2ls_v5. Ensure that the Standard DLSv5 Family has sufficient vCPU quota in the resource group's region as described above in Before you begin.
Workload pool availability zones. The default is 0 for trial instances.
6. Encoding pool
Encoding pool VM size. This defaults to F8s_v2. Ensure that the Standard FSv2 Family has sufficient vCPU quota in the resource group's region as described above in Before you begin.
Encoding pool availability zones. The default is 0 for trial instances.
7. Application name. Enter a name for the application, such as mycompanymediaservices.
8. Managed resource group. The managed resource group name is automatically created for you. You can change it, but that's not necessary.
9. Click on Review + create.
Step 5 – Accept the Terms and Conditions
Select the checkbox to accept the terms and conditions for the offer. The Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy can be accessed on this page by clicking on the Terms of use and Privacy policy links located below the Price section.
Click on Create to start the deployment.
Step 6 - Deploy the Application
After clicking on Create, the deployment will begin. This process can take up to 45 minutes.
Step 7 – Go to the Deployed Managed Application
When the deployment is complete, click on Go to resource.
Step 8 – Access the Console to get the API Credentials
If you are deploying RMS into an Azure Government tenant, please go to step 13. Azure Government works a bit differently (not in a good way).
You’ll land on the managed application page after clicking on the Go to resource button from the previous step. This page displays the instructions for getting the API credentials from the console application.
In the left sidebar menu, go to Settings > Parameters and Outputs.
Step 9 – Copy the Console URL
In the main panel copy the value for consoleURL and paste this in another browser tab. The console URL is the Azure Front Door host domain with the word console appended.
Step 10 – Authenticate to Access the Console
You’ll be asked to authenticate. The user must be a member of the tenant where the application has been deployed. Guest users in the Microsoft Entra directory (formerly Azure Active Directory) for the tenant cannot access the console and will see a message "Forbidden".
Step 11 – Accept Required Permissions
The console application requires the user to consent to the displayed permissions.
Step 12 – Copy the API Credentials
To configure API access, you'll need to set the environment variables.
Access RMS Console > Api Credentials tab:
Below the code block, you'll find descriptions of each variable along with instructions on where to find or generate them.
set Ravnur__SubscriptionId=<RMS account subscription ID>
set Ravnur__ResourceGroupName=<RMS account resource group name>
set Ravnur__MediaServicesAccountName=<RMS account name>
set Ravnur__ApiEndpoint=<RMS instance API endpoint>
set Ravnur__ApiKey=<RMS instance API key>
- Ravnur Subscription ID: The Azure subscription ID where RMS is deployed.
- Ravnur Resource Group Name: The name of the managed resource group for your RMS account.
- Ravnur Media Services Account Name: The name of your RMS account.
- Ravnur API Endpoint: The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the API URL.
- Ravnur API Key: This key is required for authentication. You can learn more about it here.
You are now ready to connect to the Azure Media Services Explorer for RMS (get it here), or update your SDK to connect to RMS (instructions here).
Alternatively, you can manage RMS using Ravnur Console, which provides a convenient user interface.
Step 13 – Get the API Credentials for Azure Government Deployments
- Go to Azure Front Door in the managed resource group that was created by the deployment and click on it to access the details
- In the sidebar menu click on Front Door Manager
- In the panel that opens copy the URL above Routes as shown in the image below
- Add “/console” to the end of the URL. This will take you to the console shown in the documentation where you can get the credentials. For example: fd-ehkayzowfifpq-bwbda3cyg7cpckdf.z01.azurefd.us/console
- If you’re using the test application from our GitHub page, make sure you have the latest version because you’ll need it to pass transforms to RMS.